Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Stinger Hangs Them Up

Yes we know it doesn't get talked about much on the blog or the show, but for this one, its important to take a second to recognize one of the best to ever do it. Steve Borden. He started his career back in 1985 under different gimmicks, but since the summer of 1987 he's been known by one name and one name only. Sting. This past Sunday saw the final match in the legendary career of the man called Sting.

From 1987 until the company closed its doors in 2001, Sting was the face of the company that was known as World Championship Wrestling. For years, WWE had the Undertaker as their go to look and measuring stick for the company and rightfully so. That's what Sting was for WCW. And even after WCW closed its doors, he went on to have fantastic runs in TNA, Then he had a brief spell with WWE, which nobody ever thought would happen, before wrapping up his career with AEW.

What made Sting so great?

First there was the look. He was built quite well and had the ability to be able to go with anybody. he also had an intimidating look with the facepaint. A look which he adapted and changed numerous times over the year. It gave his character a breath of fresh air every time he changed the look up. But one thing never changed. His professionalism. Nobody in the business ever had a bad word to say about Sting. And for the longest time, Sting had been the face of the company that was the main competition for WWE. He did that out of not only loyality to the company but also to kind of keep WWE's hands off so they didn't take away his legacy in a sense.

Sting is considered by many fans and wrestlers alike as one of the top ten greatest wrestlers to ever step foot inside of a ring. Ric Flair has often cited Sting as one of his greatest opponents. Same thing has been said by the late Big Van Vader. If you watched his run in AEW, you know this to be true. It's amazing that, even in his 60s, Sting still had it by pulling off high spots like jumping through other wrestlers through tables and off ladders. Never thought I'd actually write that. But that shows the adaptability and greatness of the Stinger.

So thanks for the memories Sting. Its been one hell of a run.

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